Kidney Disease And Medical Malpractice
Every year, more than 1.3 million people – people who are already sick or injured – suffer added injury because of medical malpractice. If you or someone you love has been injured by medical malpractice in a Chicago-area hospital, clinic, doctor’s office, or nursing home, get the legal help you need to obtain the compensation you deserve, and contact an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer as quickly as possible.
Our kidneys filter the wastes from our blood and keep us healthy. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops slowly, but it’s on the rise in Illinois and across the United States. Chicago-area residents who suffer from CKD can be treated if the condition is diagnosed early and correctly. However, if urinalysis and blood test results are wrongly read or wrongly interpreted, and kidney disease goes untreated, it may constitute medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is the violation of the “reasonable standard of care” offered by most physicians. If your medical condition has deteriorated or your kidney disease has been exacerbated because of medical malpractice, you have to right to be compensated. If you are dealing with kidney disease and you believe that you have been the victim of malpractice, discuss your situation at once with an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer.
Thousands routinely manage CKD with medications and are able to live a more-or-less regular kind of life, but without treatment, CKD can progress to complete kidney failure, and your treatment options will be limited then to dialysis or a kidney transplant. A general practitioner offering routine tests and checkups should know when a patient needs be seen by a kidney specialist. If you or someone you love has been misdiagnosed, improperly treated, or injured as a consequence of medical malpractice related to kidney disease, get help. Take action now. Arrange at once to discuss your case with an experienced Chicago medical malpractice lawyer.