Call The Cab

Taxicabs cost a few dollars. Limousines and services like Uber and Lyft also cost a few dollars. After you’ve been drinking with friends, a ride home may not be cheap, but it’s going to cost a lot less than a ride to the jail, the emergency room, or the cemetery. If you are convicted of driving under the influence anywhere in or near Chicago, it’s going to cost you thousands of dollars, and that’s not even counting lawyer’s fees. It’s not even a choice. Call the cab. Of course, if you make a mistake in your judgment and you are charged with DUI – or if you are wrongfully arrested and you’re not guilty – speak at once with an experienced Chicago DUI lawyer.
It’s been said a million times and still cannot be said enough: Don’t drink and drive. These statistics from the 2015 Illinois DUI Fact Book, published by the Illinois Secretary of State, provide plenty of reasons why no one should ever drink and drive. In 2013 in Illinois:
– 317 people died in alcohol-related crashes – 32 percent of all Illinois traffic fatalities.
– 34,611 DUI arrests were reported.
– 931 drivers under age 21 lost their driving privileges for Zero Tolerance violations.
– Males ages 21-to-24 had the highest DUI arrest rate (about 15 per 1,000 licensed drivers).
– 86 percent of all drivers arrested for DUI were first offenders.
So take the taxi. Still, if you are charged with DUI, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be convicted or that you’ll have to pay fines or serve time. The state still must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The right DUI lawyer will work hard on your behalf, and frequently in the Chicago area, good DUI lawyers prevail on behalf of their clients. In the Chicago area, if you’re arrested for DUI, make the call at once to an experienced Chicago DUI lawyer.